Investigators Probe Rangers
The New York Rangers have spared no expense in investigating the poisoning issues their team has been facing.
"We will find out who did this, mark my words!" growled a surley General Manager Burns at a press conference this morning. We have hired several crack teams of investigators and will leave no stone unturned. We will stop at nothing to bring justice to this person or people who have commited this despicable act."
"We have contacted the FBI, the RCMP, local law enforcement, and the military. We will get to the bottom of this."
Burns then went on to introduce several key law enforcement officials who were heading up the investigation.
"Please allow me to introduce Detective Mac Taylor of New York's Crime Scene Investigation
unit. Detective Taylor specializes in using the latest scientific technologies, keen detective work, and a fearsome scowl to find, capture, and frighten his adversaries.
"This incident has international overtones and so, we've been in contact with the Royal Canadian
Mounted Police who have sent us their best man. Please allow me to introduce Dudlye Do-right. He has a reputation for always getting his man. I'm told he's saved several damsels from train tracks and I've been told that he has was instrumental in the capture and incarceration of the infamous criminal genious Snidley Whiplash."
"Due to the military applications of this rare poison we have contacted the military who have
sent us, they assure us, the most determined and hard working man in fatigues. Please allow me to introduce Sgt. Slaughter. He has been involved in battling Cobra - an evil terrorist organization determined to rule the world. His main weapons are his brawn, his whistle, and a penchant for yelling."
We've also contacted the FBI who have sent us agents Scully and Mulder. They specialize in
hard to track cases. I had a long conversation with Mulder but didn't really understand his mumbling. I could have sworn he said something about Aliens but that seems a little far fetched. Scully is rock solid in the sciences and Mulder has, I've been told, high intelligence and an intense drive to discover the truth. They will be heading up the Federal Investigation into this matter."
"We have no doubts these teams will have a culprit under lock and key shortly."
"We will find out who did this, mark my words!" growled a surley General Manager Burns at a press conference this morning. We have hired several crack teams of investigators and will leave no stone unturned. We will stop at nothing to bring justice to this person or people who have commited this despicable act."
"We have contacted the FBI, the RCMP, local law enforcement, and the military. We will get to the bottom of this."
Burns then went on to introduce several key law enforcement officials who were heading up the investigation.
"Please allow me to introduce Detective Mac Taylor of New York's Crime Scene Investigation

"This incident has international overtones and so, we've been in contact with the Royal Canadian

"Due to the military applications of this rare poison we have contacted the military who have

We've also contacted the FBI who have sent us agents Scully and Mulder. They specialize in

"We have no doubts these teams will have a culprit under lock and key shortly."
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