Sunday, April 23, 2006

Injury Wave Hits Biblical Proportions

First there were locusts, then frogs, then pestilence and then there were wave after wave of sports related injuries. Finally the Pharoah said, "Ok God! You're kicking my ass! I give up!"

The coach of the New York Rangers junior team attempted to hand in his resignation after Jarmome Marios was injured and will be out for a month. An understanding and compassionate GM Burns refused to accept it and let the beleagured coach cry it out in his office.

The New York Ranger Jr team has seen an injury wave the likes of which is rarely seen in sport. No less than 8 players were out with injuries last game plus 2 who were sent to camp for a total of 10 bodies missing. Not surprisingly the team has plummetted down the standings.

Last night, when Jermome Marios was crushed in front of the Ranger bench, the coach broke down in tears and had to be consoled by his assisstant coaches. The team is reeling and have now sent 3rd leading scorer Kamil Kreps to passing camp which will make things difficult over the next week.

"The focus of the junior team is development," said GM Burns, "so we will still continue to camp our players. I've never seen an injury list this long in my life. Fortunately we'll have 5 guys able to play tonight though they're not 100%."


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