Thursday, May 25, 2006

Providence takes day to rest

After a grueling stretch that, as normal, saw the Baby Bruins lose a lot more often than they won - and usually by large margins - the Providence Bruins were given the day off by their head coach, Maurice Plante.

"These players... bah! I spit on them for fun, because just like they cannot stop the puck, they cannot stop me from spitting on them! These players are such disappointments with their continual losing. I am disgraced to be associated with them, these pieces of feces!"

As Plante stormed off, Assistant Coachs Brett Lindros and Eric Messier 'translated' for Coach Plante.

"What he really means," Lindros began, "is that it is frustrating to lose with what we thought was a promising, well-rounded group of talent. And for a coach of his magnitude, even though he never made it to the big leagues, he has a massive amount of pride."

Messier continued, "He's fed up. Jordan Sigalet has been a human sieve. Players we hoped would develop have not, and the training camps have been disappointing for us more often than not. It just has been one of those seasons, you know? And we're barely half through it."

Both men went off to do some individual workouts with players who chose to come in, but it was noticable that most of the first line was home for the day.


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