Thursday, April 06, 2006

GM Schmucky Looking to make moves, not be insulted!!

GM Schmucky has recently announced that the Ottawa Senators are looking to make some moves. However, the response has been frustrating and even insulting at times. After announcing on Mirc that almost anyone could possibly be moved for the right deal, Schmucky has received some offers. The problem is, these offers are ridiculous to the point of being absolutely insulting! Obviously not wanting to mention any GM names or elude to players involved from other teams to give away who he was speaking of, GM Schmucky would say this,

"It has been brutal so far. I believe that GM's are trying to make a terrible deal that improve their teams but destroy ours. For example, one offer came in that involved Ryan Whitney and Andreas Holmqvist, both young future stars in CLUTCH, and the players offered were both older, and rated 1 OV point higher than both Sens involved in the deal. What the hell is that about? GARBAGE!"

When asked what he is looking for Schmucky said, "Players that would improve our team. I am all for a fair deal or even offering more than one player in a deal to pick up a star. But I will not tear the Senators apart in order to please other teams. That would be stupid, and I feel that's how I am being treated."

The Senators are in the midst of enjoying a couple days off before suiting up again tomorrow night. GM Schmucky felt this would be a good time to shake up the lineup but with the way things seem to be going, it doesn't look like any deals are in the near future unless some serious, intelligent offers are made.


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