Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Forgotten Man to Get Start In NY

Jocelyn Thilbault (seen on the right letting in one of many goals he's given up this season) makes his return to action tonight against the Washington Capitals.

Thilbault, whose fortune has gone from cup winning champ to bench sitting chump, has had a year that would kill most players. In fact, it almost did. Thilbault played terribly when he came to the Rangers and then battled a mysterious illness for which he was hospitalized for some time. In one of the most stunning controversies in CLUTCH history Thilbault was suspected of being poisoned and team mate Mike Dunham was investigated. No proof of poisioning surfaced and no charges were laid.

"It'll be great to be back in there," smiled Thilbault. "It's been a weird year and I haven't started in....I can't remember how long. I think it's been 15 - 20 games. I'm obviously used to a little higher work load but I'm just happy to help out the team."

"Yeah, we're going back to Thilbsie," said coach Neilson. "Dunham's having a fine season but once in awhile you have to give him a rest. We're very confident that Jocelyn can win games for us."

Mike Dunham has not been gracious in sharing his duties with Thilbault and reporters were more than surprised to see he did not show up at practice today.

"Mike? He's not here? said Neilson. "Oh yeah...he....ahh...tweaked a hamstring. Just a minor thing he'll be here for the game. He just resting it."


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