Friday, August 25, 2006

Bruins issue (yet another) apology

With scores of rabid protesters outside his country estate, Bruins GM Joshua Anderson issued an apology today to his fellow GMs.

"I realize now some of you may have been offended by my actions in posting The Reverse Cowgirl image as part of my game write-up. I also didn't even think that some of you may open the Blog at work. I failed to consider that the neoconservative wave of prudish thinking which dominates the Western Hemisphere and the North American continent was unable to handle the beauty of the human body.

For that, I apologize for my inconsideration and have edited the image. Please call Pete off and tell him to quit peeing in the bushes."

It was the latest in a long series of apologies issued by the Bruins GM in recent months.

"I regret nothing," Anderson said. "Well, that's not true. I regret some things. Okay, I regret most things. But what a ride along the way, huh?"


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