In an unfortunate series of events, the Hurricanes tied the weakest team in the CLUTCH while losing their top right winger. Shane Doan, captain of the Canes, was injured in a scrap with forward Mikael Yakubov. That was the second injury Yakabov has been responsible for in a week during a fight.
"He fights like a coward," said Doan. "He fought Bure last week and after the fight he jumped on his leg and shattered. After our fight, I turned to skate to the box and he sucker punched me. He is a winner."
Aside from the cheapshot, the Canes plaed with little fire and seemed to go into this game expecting a walk in the park, the typical game that the Thrashers tend to throw at teams. Once the puck was dropped though, the Thrashers came out hard.
"We were not playing well and I hoped by getting in the fight with Yakky, I could spark something, but it did not work. We need to address our intensity a bit. We cannot play like that every game."
The Canes are luckily off today and will take the time to assess the damage to their fragile squad. Doan will likely miss the next couple of games with his injury.
In an unfortunate series of events, the Hurricanes tied the weakest team in the CLUTCH while losing their top right winger. Shane Doan, captain of the Canes, was injured in a scrap with forward Mikael Yakubov. That was the second injury Yakabov has been responsible for in a week during a fight.
"He fights like a coward," said Doan. "He fought Bure last week and after the fight he jumped on his leg and shattered. After our fight, I turned to skate to the box and he sucker punched me. He is a winner."
Aside from the cheapshot, the Canes plaed with little fire and seemed to go into this game expecting a walk in the park, the typical game that the Thrashers tend to throw at teams. Once the puck was dropped though, the Thrashers came out hard.
"We were not playing well and I hoped by getting in the fight with Yakky, I could spark something, but it did not work. We need to address our intensity a bit. We cannot play like that every game."
The Canes are luckily off today and will take the time to assess the damage to their fragile squad. Doan will likely miss the next couple of games with his injury.
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