Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Kubina Tests Waters !!!!!

(Tampa) - Today, team captain and the leader for 5 seasons, Pavel Kubina turned down a contract and decided to test the restricted free agency that he is entitled to. This was something Gm Sprackman wasn't looking forward too but has already stated that any offer made to his Dman will result in a match.

"I will not let my top player walk away for measly picks and cash. Thats just retarded and I will not allow such a thing to happen. If some dumb ass Gm offers a great big contract to him, I will match and dump some younger, mid range contracts on the farm to stay under the cap. After that I will get some cash and renegotaite the contract to a reasonable contract for my team. I certainly hope that people understand that having Kubina leave would be a big mistake and one I am not going to do." Gm Sprackman stated.

Besides that the team faired well in the rolls with only a couple of no name players not getting a contract. With the jr's coming up, there shouldn't be any holes for the pro team. The jr's however are a different story and will be talked about later.


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