Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Trade Etiquette - Part Two

The Rangers GM previously posted a fine article on trade etiquette... but how about the flip side?

Are there many things more annoying than the following conversations?

GM#1 - "I want Player A"

Umm... so? I want a lapdance and a handjob from Ashley Judd. Doesn't mean its happening.

or how about...

GM#1 - "Any chance you'd trade Player A?"
GM#2 - "I hadn't really thought about it... what are you offering?"
GM#1 - "Take a look at my roster"

Wait a second. You came to me inquiring about a player. Simple common sense would tell me you didn't just ask this question out of the blue... you had this intention you opened the chat window to ask me the question. I don't think it is too much to ask that you have an intended offer in mind when you inquire about a player.

It often leads to this though...

GM#1 - "Any chance you'd trade Player A?"
GM#2 - "I hadn't really thought about it... what are you offering?"
GM#1 - "Take a look at my roster"
GM#2 - "Well what are you offering?"
GM#1 - "Just take a look at my roster and tell me what you want."

Tell ya what - do this and you deserve this response.

GM#1 - "Any chance you'd trade Player A?"
GM#2 - "I hadn't really thought about it... what are you offering?"
GM#1 - "Take a look at my roster"
GM#2 - "Well what are you offering?"
GM#1 - "Just take a look at my roster and tell me what you want."
GM#2 has exited the chat


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