Saturday, December 02, 2006

Sens GM bamboolzed by Trickster Commish!

Well, in anticipation of the start of the CLUTCH regular season GM Schmucky cancelled all plans put forth by friends and family for what is usually a very busy Saturday night. After being bombarded by calls from young, aspiring actresses, models, agents and other beautiful women, Schmucky took the phone off the hook and shut the lights out in hopes of keeping all the 'talent' from knowing his whereabouts. He sat down in front of his computer, turned off all music, televisions and websites that could cause a potential distraction, and awaited the first game of the CLUTCH regular season!

He waited and waited and waited. Grabbed a beverage. Checked scores online, but only for a brief moment so as to not miss that pinnacle moment of truth, CLUTCH's 1st game! Suddenly, from the downstairs living room, a voice! "Jason, can we watch a movie now?" What? Was she nuts? He couldn't believe his ears! A movie? Does this woman have no respect? No sense of what was about to happen? Was she attempting to steal even more of his dignity? Who knows. Schmucky simply turned away and shuddered.

Minutes later, another voice, "Jason, I'm going to have a shower. Care to join me?" GOOD LORD! Could this really be happening? Schmucky took a quick glance toward the silhouette in the hallway wearing only a towel....but quickly, he shook it off and remained focused on mirc. He quickly msg'd Longer, the faithful commish, to ensure that he hadn't missed anything in the moments he had glanced away. No response. He typed in a few words to make sure he hadn't been pinged out or disconnected. That wasn't it either.

Moments later, he saw it, [20:26] simming. YES! Finally! The moment he has been waiting for! The nervousness in the room was intense. Schmucky called for a sweat towel as Longer slowly pasted the scores of simmed games into the Irc room.[20:30] DUCKS WIN, [20:32] Habs win [20:32] 5-2. The list went on. Schmucky could barely contain himself when it happened: [20:44] pages going up. What the FUCK?? No no no, something must've went wrong. Schmucky scrolled up and down the irc log in disbelief. There must be some mistake! How could he forget my game? Then he heard it : Upcoming games: Senators vs. Whogivesafuck.

The commish had bamboozled Schmucky into turning down beautiful women, showers with the wife resulting in 'a sure thing', movies, video games, HOCKEY GAMES. And for what? NOTHING. Thanks Ryan, Thanks a lot!


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