Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Bounty put on Scott Gomez' head

Almost a week ago, Scott Gomez became a marked man.

Less than four minutes into the Bruins' hosting of the Chicago Blackhawks, Scott Gomez attacked Bruins' goalie Andrew Raycroft in what can only be called a heinous and vicious mugging. While the officials called it "boarding" - and ejected Gomez - true fans called it what it really was - a hate crime.

Gomez, who is from Alaska, left the Ontario-born Raycroft sidelined with a broken toe, putting major doubts in the Bruins' a bility to continue their march to the top. While backup John Grahame is "suitable", the Bruins live and die by Raycroft.

Gomez had been heard spouting off about his hatred for Ontarioans in recent weeks, including a baltent threat to "hurt,maim and injure 'them'".

Since league management took no action, GM Joshua Anderson has announced a $500,000 bounty for anyone who sidelines Gomez for at least one week, and $1 million for anyone who benches him at least one month.

Anyone who claims the bounty is instructed to email GM Anderson.


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