Monday, January 30, 2006

Boston makes last trade of necessity; future deals to come for fun

In a move that rounded out eliminating the team's roster violations, saving the Scarlet V from taking up permanent residence on GM Joshua Anderson’s chest, the Bruins have acquired two wingers from Montreal.

The team closed an easy trade session with Montreal by announcing they had acquired Roman Tomanek and Andrei Mikhnov for a future fifth rounder and $250,000.

The eighteen year-old duo play right and left wing, respectively, and are expected to ride the bench most of the upcoming season as they get used to the speed of the CLUTCH game. The team intends to bring them to Boston for pro games to experience the locker room and life of pro teams, so as to minimize the culture shock when they are eventually promoted.

"We appreciate Montreal’s willingness to deal from their position of strength," Anderson commented, "and are thankful the deal was able to occur with minimal difficulties."


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