Panthers Boost D - acquire Kenny Jonsson

"I think it was a combination of a young defence and the players trying to find their groove." GM Perrault told reporters "Losing 4 of the first five was not how we would of liked to start the season but since then we have had a couple good winning streaks. We had a 5 game unbeaten streak and currently on a 4 game winning streak. But the losing streak made us realize that some changes had to be made if we wanted to get back to the top of the standings."
Changes indeed...The Panthers started the Christmas season giving Jamie Storr his walking papers after he had a couple very poor performances. With Storrs' departure the Panthers then called up 25 year old rookie Donald Choukalos. This move made some insiders raise their eyebrows thinking GM Perrault went over the edge.
"I did not let Jamie go without great thought." GM Perrault responded to why he let Storr go. "It was a total business move. Yes his play did factor in but at the end of the day we were contiplating the move at some point and decided that sooner was better then later. Donald showed he was ready last season when he was called up and we felt that he deserved a shot as the back up."
The GM was not done either.
"I felt that we needed a top defensive defenceman since losing Rathje. It is tough and costly to get D - Men in this league. It was no easy task but we finally got a deal that we could live with. We had to let fan favorite and one of the teams top producers go in Darcy Tucker and youngster Cole Jarrett to get it done but we feel we upgraded our defensive core with Jonsson and that was our goal.

Langebrunner has the ability to put the puck in the net and usually saves his best performances for the playoffs. Something that the Panthers will count on in this years post season.
Last but not least...the main player coming to Florida through this trade is Kenny Jonsson.

"Thank you all." Kenny Jonsson told reporters. "I am delited to join such a fine organization that is 100% committed to winning and winning now. I am looking forward to to the opportunities and challenges that await."
"Teams will now have to factor in how they are going to get past our defence more now." GM Perrault continued "Lets face facts...our defence was nothing to write home about. We were allowing way too many shots get through to Loungo and not giving him enough support. Kenny fills that void."
We asked the GM is he was all out of holiday shopping and he said "...I am always open on ways to improve this team. That said though....I think that we have all the pieces of the puzzle here right now and have a ligitimate chance to contend once again this year."